Frequently Asked Question

How do I move my full Butler installation to another Mac?
Last Updated 8 years ago

If you'd like to copy your Butler setup to a new Mac, here are the files you need to move. (Remember that Apple hides your user's Library folder from sight; hold down the Option key and then select Go > Library in Finder to get there.) Please do all copying while Butler is not running on either Mac.

  • ~/Library/Application Support/Butler - This folder contains all your actual Butler commands. It also includes the pasteboards, which you may not want to copy. If that's the case, delete Pasteboards.plist after copying.
  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.manytricks.Butler.plist - This file reflects how you have the Preferences tab of Butler configured.
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Many Tricks/Licenses/your_user.butlerlicense - Your Butler license file. The your_user bit of the filename will be different, of course.

Copy those files across, launch Butler, and you should find you've got the same setup you had on the old Mac.

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