Many Tricks is a privacy-centric company: We believe that what you do with our apps is your business, and we have no interest in collecting data on you, your computer, or how you're using our apps. As such, none of our apps transmit any information about you, your computer, or your usage of our apps to us.
In addition, our apps don't share data with any third parties: There are no embedded analytics, advertising networks, or third-party SDKs that collect any of your data.
However, as with most any app, our programs do store data: Each app has its own preference settings, at the least, on your computer. Please jump to the relevant section of this document to understand exactly what data each of our apps records, so that you can manage the retention of this data. Some apps store additional information; for those apps that do so, this is detailed as well.
You can also read our Cookies and Data Privacy Policy for an overview of how we handle data on our web site and ticket support system.
Desktop Curtain • Key Codes • Keymou • Leech • Moom • Name Mangler • Time Sink • Witch
As a general rule, App Store apps must be sandboxed. All sandboxed apps keep their files (including preferences) within the Containers folder, which is found in your user's Library folder. (Select Go > Library to get there from Finder). However, some older App Store apps aren't sandboxed, and their files can be in other locations. Our apps are both sandboxed and not sandboxed, so we'll explain exactly where to find their files on a per-app basis.
For sandboxed apps, the Containers folder holds a Containers.plist file and a folder named Data. Navigate into Data, and you'll see a representation of your user's home folder (created with aliases pointing to the real files)—you'll see aliased folders for Desktop, Documents, Downloads, as well as for your Library folder. Dive into that Library folder, and you'll find both (amongst more aliases to other true Library folders) Application Support and Preferences folders; within those folders are the specific settings and preferences for the app in question.
That all sounds incredibly confusing, so here's a screenshot of our own Desktop Curtain app, drilled down into its Containers folder (click for a larger version).
In the details that follow, any reference to a "containerized" folder means a folder located within the Containers > Data folder.
Desktop Curtain is sandboxed; you'll find all its files in your user's Library > Containers > com.manytricks.DesktopCurtain folder. Your defined settings are stored in a file named com.manytricks.DesktopCurtain.plist in the containerized Library folder.
In addition, a folder named Desktop Curtain in the containerized Library > Application Support folder has a few files:
Key Codes is sandboxed, and you'll find its files in your user's Library > Containers > com.manytricks.Keymo folder. Key Codes has only one preference that can be set (whether or not to log key up events and modifier key changes); that value is in the file named com.manytricks.KeyCodes.plist, in the containerized Library folder.
Keymou (formerly known as Keymo) is not sandboxed, so you'll find its preference files in your user's Library > Preferences folder; the file is named com.manytricks.Keymo.plist. This file holds both your settings as well as any Actions you have created within the app. Keymou does not record history or any other sort of usage information.
Leech is sandboxed, and stores its data in a bundle named com.manytricks.leech in your user's Library > Containers folder. While the bundle doesn't look like a folder in Finder, it really is: To access its contents, just right-click and select Show Package Contents from the contextual menu. This will open a new window showing a standard Containers' folder and its contents (the plist file and the Data folder).
(Why does Leech look like a bundle, and not a regular folder? It's a side-effect of the naming scheme we use for partially downloaded files, which end in .leech, just like the containerized folder name. But this has no impact on performance, and isn't something you'll see in your normal usage of Leech.)
Leech's settings can be found in the file named com.manytricks.Leech.plist, located in the containerized Library > Preferences folder.
Leech also records your history (what you've downloaded) and what's in your queue (what's being downloaded, or to be downloaded in the future). This data is recorded in two files, History.plist and Queue.plist, located in the containerized Library > Application Support > Leech folder.
Finally, Leech caches some data for quicker operations; the cache is stored in a file named com.manytricks.Leech in the containerized Library > Caches folder.
Moom is not sandboxed, so you'll find its preferences in a file named com.manytricks.moom.plist, in your user's Library > Preferences folder. Any custom commands you create in Moom are also stored in this file.
In addition, you may have a folder named Moom in your user's Library > Application Support > Many Tricks folder. Within this folder, a file named Blacklist.plist is used to disable Moom in some apps that give it troubles. (You won't have this folder and file unless you've talked to us and we've sent you a custom blacklist to use.)
Name Mangler is sandboxed, and you'll find all its files in your user's Library > Containers folder, in a folder named com.manytricks.NameMangler.MAS3. Its preferences are saved in a file named com.manytricks.NameMangler.MAS3.plist, located in the containerized Library > Preferences folder.
There's also a folder named Name Mangler in the containerized Library > Application Support folder. Within that folder are a series of files and folders:
Time Sink is sandboxed, and stores its files in your user's Library > Containers folder, in a folder named com.manytricks.TimeSinkClient. Its preferences are saved in a file named com.manytricks.TimeSinkClient.plist, in the containerized Library > Preferences folder.
Time Sink keeps its usage-tracking records in a file named Default.plist, located in the containerized folder Library > Time Sink > Configurations. Note that you do not need to delete this file to remove Time Sink's historical tracking of your Mac's usage; that feature is built into the app, via the File > Reset All Timers menu option.
If you have Time Sink set to auto-export usage reports, and you did not change the save location of those reports (in the Export section of Time Sink's preferences), the exported reports are saved in the containerized folder Library > Time Sink > Reports, in a series of files with the .csv extension.
Witch is not sandboxed, so its files are all found in your user's Library folder. A file named com.manytricks.witchdaemon.plist, in your user's Library > Preferences folder, holds data related to the display of our in-app news: If it's been popped up once, if you've enabled automatic news updates in the menu bar, and the latest version number of the news that you've seen. We use this data to determine whether or not to show you a news update.
Witch's actual preferences file—the one that stores your settings for the app—can be found in your user's Library > Application Support folder, in a file named Settings.plist.