There's not a lot on the About tab, but what's there is somewhat important…

About About
The About tab shows your license status, in that big huge window that says Your Name Here. Unless your name happens to actually be "Your Name Here," you should see your actual name in its place on your copy of Witch.
If you ever contact us for support, please include the version and build information, which is at the upper left of the window—Witch 4.6.3 (3559) in this case.
The Send Feedback link to the right can be used to email us with questions, bug reports, feature requests, praise, or offers of fabulous wealth.
Below the license area, if you remove the checkmark next to Check for updates automatically, well, go ahead and guess what that will do. Seriously, though, you should leave this enabled unless you have a really good reason for disabling it. Even in automatic mode, the updates will not be applied automatically, so you can see the release notes before you decide whether or not to install an upgrade.
Witch also tells you the last time it checked for an update, and whether your version is the latest or not.
The License
As shown in the box, you have a perpetual (forever) license for the version of Witch you purchased, plus at least one year of free updates. Our licenses are not subscriptions; you own the app.
So what happens after one year? After one year, we may release paid updates for Witch. You can choose to buy or not buy any given update; if you don't buy the updates, you still own Witch and it won't stop working because you passed on an update.
If you buy an update, you get that update, plus any others that were released before the one you purchased, plus another year's worth of free updates.
This is all explained in great detail on our blog, if you'd like to read even more about our licensing.