General Usage

Leech's interface is designed to provide the information you need to manage your downloads, and yet do so without getting in your way.


Main Window

This is Leech's main window, where you'll see all your download activity. Read Ways to Download for information on getting downloads into this window.

Leech's main window

You can double-click any listed download to instantly reveal it in the Finder.


The Toolbar

Leech's standard toolbar includes five icons (and a search box, not shown below):

Leech's standard toolbar icons

From left to right, these icons do the following: begin all downloads, pause any queued downloads (downloads beyond your max simultaneous allowed value in Settings), toggle acceleration on/off, toggle bandwidth limiting on/off (see the Settings section for more about these two commands), and the More Actions button (see below).

The acceleration and bandwidth throttling icons will highlight when active, as seen with the bandwidth throttling icon in the above screenshot.

If you right-click (or Control-click) on the toolbar, you can customize the toolbar, removing the stock icons, and/or adding two (technically three) new icons:

Leech's additional toolbar icons

The first pair of buttons serve as shortcuts to the Schedule section of Leech's settings; click the leftmost one to activate the "Start pending downloads" feature, and the rightmost one to activate the "Pause waiting downloads automatically" feature..

The other button does what it says—adds whatever's on the pasteboard to the queue.

If you've customized the toolbar and would like to get back to the default setup, just drag the "default set" from the bottom of the customization window into the toolbar area.


Listed Downloads

There are two main ways you can work with listed downloads (active or queued) in Leech's window: the contextual menu and the More Actions icon in the toolbar.

Contextual Menu

Right-click (or Control-click) on one or more (using Shift- or Command-click to select more than one download) and you'll see a contextual menu you can use on the selected files.

Leech's contextual menu

Most of these items are self-explanatory, so there's no need to explain them in detail. These features, though, do need a bit of explaining:

More Actions button in Toolbar

The More Actions button is nearly identical in operation as the contextual menu, except it doesn't allow for changing per-download settings. As such, you won't see Pause, Remove, Reveal, Open URL, or Copy URL in this menu. Everything else, though, is there.


The Dock Icon

Leech's Dock icon provides at-a-glance details on your current download queue.

Leech's Dock icon

In this example, there are two active downloads (the "2" badge), one paused download (the "1" badge), and the arrow is changing from dark green to white to indicate download progress. The arrow fills with white (from bottom to top) as downloads complete; when it's solid white, all downloads are done.