Pretty obvious

June 13th, 2007 by Peter Maurer

Here’s a snippet from a message we sent to Panic on the very day Coda was released: “So let me be the first to congratulate on that User Interface Apple Design Award I’m sure Coda will win.”

Congratulations to all those other winners and runner-ups, too. Well deserved.

First! (Non-Transparent Menu Bar)

June 12th, 2007 by Peter Maurer

Here’s a little treat for fellow developers — if you’re like Michael Tsai or us, the first thing Leopard’s new desktop made you think about was this: How do I get rid of that ridiculous semi-transparent look of the menu bar?

Look no further, it’s a no-brainer (source).

To demonstrate what Non-Transparent Menu Bar does on Tiger systems as well, it covers the menu bar by default. Choose “Toggle Level” from the application menu to put it where it actually belongs. And if you’re actually thinking about using this, you’ll probably want to change its LSUIElement value to hide it from the dock.

Update: Non-Transparent Menu Bar 1.1 does that LSUIElement stuff for you.

yFlicks 2.0.1

June 12th, 2007 by Peter Maurer

yFlicks 2.0.1 adds support for downloading videos from DailyMotion and CollegeHumor. And now that Mac OS X 10.5 has been demoed in its final form, we thought we might as well throw in an optional Leopard-style main window behavior/texture that changes its hue depending on whether yFlicks is the frontmost application.

Also improves context menus and fixes two minor, yet pesky bugs that prompted us to release this update as soon as possible — see the changes log for more details.

yFlicks 2.0

June 8th, 2007 by Peter Maurer

yFlicks 2.0 is such a huge step forward, we were actually considering calling it yFlicks 3.0.

Seriously: There are more improvements than we can even remember right now, but the two most important things are full support for the Apple Remote — including access to all of your library just by hitting the “Menu” button — and the option to have yFlicks keep your library organized. The latter is quite similar to what iTunes does with your music: Name changes as well as your library’s folder structure are automatically reflected on the file system level when you enable this feature. If you’re interested in a more extensive list of changes, look here.

Oh, and by the way: yFlicks 2.0 is a free upgrade for registered users.

yFlicks 1.1

April 23rd, 2007 by Peter Maurer

yFlicks 1.1 adds smart groups, which let you filter all of your library’s contents by criteria such as name, rating, and date added. We’re also supporting downloads from two more video communities now, namely SevenLoad and ClipFish.

Update: There was a small typo in the original source code for yFlicks 1.1 that prevented you from deleting groups. Just download yFlicks 1.1 once more if you’re experiencing this problem.

We’re totally Web 2.0

April 21st, 2007 by Peter Maurer

We are proud to present two quick tour videos, giving you a basic idea of how Butler and yFlicks work, respectively. These videos have been created by loyal users and — dare we say — good friends of ours, which makes us feel deeply grateful.

And just so you know: If you’re interested in pointing out what you like most about our products in a similar fashion, just drop us a line. We’ll be more than happy to link to your videos.

yFlicks 1.0.2

March 12th, 2007 by Peter Maurer

yFlicks 1.0.2 mainly improves drag & drop support. For instance, yFlicks now generates groups automatically whenever you add file system folders to its library, representing subfolder hierarchies as nested groups where appropriate.

Moreover, you can now define seperate sorting criteria for each group. These criteria are also reflected in the library view on the left hand side of yFlicks’ main window.

Bag & Baggage

February 4th, 2007 by Peter Maurer

Although this site has been up for a few weeks, most of our applications were still hosted on Peter’s personal web site. That’s no longer the case, and we ‘re quite happy to have completed our relocation.

There’s a technical implication to this, too. If you were still monitoring Peter’s web log (i.e., the respective RSS feed) for software updates, there’s no point in doing so any longer. You’ll want to switch to this one, instead.

yFlicks 1.0.1

January 31st, 2007 by Peter Maurer

yFlicks 1.0.1 adds support for MyVideo, a German online video community, and displays a download status when downloading online videos from YouTube, for instance. Also fixes two minor bugs.

Introducing yFlicks

January 13th, 2007 by Peter Maurer

yFlicks is not just a movie player. Go see for yourself.