Witch now available in the Mac App Store

After waiting and wondering for over two weeks, we were quite happily surprised when the App Store version of Witch was approved this evening and made available for sale at $16.99

If you’re good at math, you’ll quickly realize that’s “over $2 less!” than Witch costs when purchased directly from our site. So why is it cheaper on the Mac App Store than directly from us? One simple reason: the App Store version of Witch lacks the pop-up window previews available in the version for sale on our site. Why not? As of now, we’re not certain that the method we use to show those previews will pass muster with the App Store reviewers, so we chose to leave them out of this initial release.

Everything else, though—including the ability to assign Command-Tab as the Witch trigger—is there. (OK, one other thing you won’t find is in-app updates, as the App Store app itself handles those updates for you.)

None of our other App Store apps are missing a key feature, so this was new ground for us. After talking it over, we decided that the lack of previews was worth a couple dollar reduction in sales price, at least until we know for sure if we can get them in or not.

So that’s why Witch is cheaper on the App Store than here on our site. If you like the image previews, and want them now, then you should buy Witch on our site. If you don’t think you’ll need image previews, you can save yourself a couple bucks by purchasing the App Store version instead.

We’re thrilled to have our fourth app (joining Name Mangler, Time Sink, and Usher on the App Store. And here’s a little secret…we’ve submitted a fifth app, and it’s now in the review queue for approval. Which app? Well, that piece of information will have to remain undisclosed for just a bit longer…stay tuned! (Note to Butler fans: no, it’s not Butler 5, sorry!)

4 Responses to “Witch now available in the Mac App Store”

  1. Josh N. says:

    I’m glad you’re in the App Store now and I hope it’s successful!

    I have one gripe, though, and you aren’t the only developers with this problem: Discrepancies in functionality between the MAS version of an app and the ‘normal’ version.

    I’m glad you mention the difference between them on your Which product page — not all developers do this. Is there some reason why you don’t on the MAS description? Does Apple prohibit that? Maybe it hurts MAS sales to say the ‘normal’ version has more features, but because I’m never sure about what I’m buying there I feel better buying from the developer instead — unless it’s an app store exclusive. In the end, Apple loses sales form me.

    What about updates? What if Apple changes its rules and developers are forced to remove a feature? They’ve done it with iOS apps. That doesn’t make me feel any better.

    Anyway, I appreciate the note that Which is slightly different in the MAS on your product page. As a happy Which user, I’ll still be upgrading through you guys directly.

  2. Rob Griffiths says:

    The reason there’s not a blurb on the App Store page is that I forgot to include it, basically. However, we’ve just submitted a version with window previews, so we’ll see if that gets accepted. In the interim, I’ll edit the description tomorrow to clarify things.

    Going through our apps, I’m fairly confident that’s the only feature (excluding in-app updates, of course) that’s different between the App Store and direct versions.


  3. PamG says:

    Thanks much for this posting. That “preview” feature REALLY came in handy this weekend, as I worked on multiple files for a case about to go to trial next Monday. I had several pdf/preview files open, as I created.revised a slew of docs in Nisus Writer Pro, while using DevonThink Pro Office for research. Despite a 27-inch iMac screen, things would have quickly gotten out of control without your fine app.

    Needless to say, I’m anxious to hit the buy button, but am awaiting the yea or nay re: the preview version to hit the App Store. Tell me, please, does the buy-direct app include Sparkle? I’m looking for **easy** updates. If this site’s version of Witch is Sparkle-endowed, then I can pull out my AmEx card now. :-)

    (Just in case a colleague hits this page: yes, you **need** this app. It’s this lawyer’s best e-friend, honestly!!)

    • Rob Griffiths says:

      The direct-buy app does include Sparkle — you’ll just need to enable automatic update checking in Witch’s preferences. So you can buy that now, if you want, and it’ll keep you current and includes the previews. Or you can wait a while (wish I could tell you how long) to see if the App Store preview-enabled version is approved.
