Name Mangler 3.7.3 released

We had not one but two regressions1An issue found in an update that was not in the prior release in Name Mangler 3.7.2, one of which broke the licenses for anyone who had upgraded to Name Mangler 3 from Name Mangler 2. As a result, these users thought this was a paid update, which it clearly was not. You can read more about this in the release notes.

The other issue was that the Clear List menu item would become disabled after a renaming operation.

The good news is that Name Mangler 3.7.3 fixes both issues, and is available now for direct users, and should be available shortly, if not already, for App Store users. (The license issue didn’t affect the App Store version, given Apple controls the licensing for apps in the store.)

2 Responses to “Name Mangler 3.7.3 released”

  1. john ryback says:

    Does Name Mangler above 3.7.3 silently set the expiry date of license without notifying users?

    • Rob Griffiths says:


      Your license won’t expire. Back in May, we began the process of switching our business model to a combination of a perpetual (forever) license for the app itself, and a year of free updates. After that, updates may be paid or free, depending on what’s in the update. Full details in this blog post:

      The bottom line is that the license you purchased will never expire, and we will never install a paid update without your express permission at that time. If you purchase an update, then you’ll get another year of free updates; if you pass on an update, your app will continue to work just fine, as your license does not expire. Update costs will also be notably lower than our current upgrade costs when we release major updates.

      We felt this was the best way to try to sustain the company going forward, given we despise software subscriptions but needed a more consistent source of revenue. It also lets us release features when they’re ready, instead of holding them for an artificial major update.
