Leech 2.0.2 now available

We’ve pushed out Leech 2.0.2 today, to fix one important issue in Leech 2.0.1: Installing the browser plug-in would actually uninstall SIMBL, the mechanism through with the browser plug-in works! Please check for updates, or download the latest version directly. Thanks to Christian Bogen for reporting this problem.

We apologize for this quick fix update; going forward, to help catch these things in beta instead of in release, we’re going to be creating beta test groups for each app. With a larger pool of testers, we’ll hopefully catch more of these things before the updates go out. Watch this space for calls for testers for each of our apps.

4 Responses to “Leech 2.0.2 now available”

  1. Tom says:

    Thanks @ Many Tricks!

    And IMO there’s no need to apologize—certainly not for a bug fix.

    Greetings, Tom

  2. Sanji says:

    I would buy Leech right now if it supported bringing the Leech window up as a non modal dialog. This is the default behavior of the Safari download window too which is annoying to me.

    I prefer not having to click on it to open it each time I start a download. Can you please consider adding this feature?

    • Rob Griffiths says:

      I’m not sure I understand this request: the Leech window *is* a “non modal dialog.” In other words, it’s a “normal” window that doesn’t block interaction with the program. This, too, is Safari’s behavior: the Downloads window in Safari is just a normal window. Can you explain in a bit more detail exactly what it is that you’re asking for?


  3. Sanjiv Jivan says:

    The current behavior I’m seeing with the Safari download dialog and Leech is : Once I click a download icon / link in the browser the download starts in Safari or Leech however the Leech non modal dialog does not appear. Once the download is complete, I get the sound and growl notification and then need to click on the Leech dock icon for the Leech dialog to appear. Is this not the behavior you’re seeing?

    I’d like the non modal Leech download dialog to appear right away in, say, the bottom right portion of my screen so that I can immediately see the download progress and open the file when the download is complete without having to open the Leech dialog myself.