Butler 4.1.8 update released

We’ve just released Butler 4.1.8, which we strongly recommend for all users. There are only three changes in this version, but they all make Butler work better:

  • Fixed a Sparkle-related bug in Butler. We’ve worked around the issue for users of Butler 4.1.7, so you can update as usual. We have to get this fix out, though, to simplify future updates. Note that this update may sit on the “installing update” screen for 30 seconds or so. If this happens to you, just wait; Butler will relaunch on its own.
  • Made further changes to the code that locates the iTunes library. Some users experienced issues with the changes we made in 4.1.7; we’ve solved those problems in 4.1.8.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 4.1.7 that prevented drag-and-drop operations with Butler’s pasteboard.

You should be able to update from within the app, or by downloading the new version from Butler’s product page.

9 Responses to “Butler 4.1.8 update released”

  1. Tom says:

    Thank you, folks! I didn’t even know that I could reorder (and delete) pasteboard items, this is a cool feature which I can use very well.

    Cheers, Tom

  2. rampancy says:

    It really is nice to see Butler development being publicly restarted (though I’m sure Butler never really died to begin with). These updates are really welcome; I’m glad I was able to find my PayPal record for my donation for Butler so I can get a v5 license…

  3. Andy says:

    Wonderful product – one of the very few programmes around I regard as an indispensable utility (and for which I’ve donated!). I know I’ve only scratched the surface of its current capabilities and I can’t wait for version 5 – any chance of a taste of the many tricks that will come with it!?

    • Rob Griffiths says:

      As of now, we’re not publishing a list, primarily because it’s still quite early in development. Generally speaking, we’re looking at making the interface much more accessible (but no less powerful), and, um, well, a bunch of other stuff I can’t discuss yet :). However, I will say that if you’ve often thought “I’d love it if Butler…,” we’d love to have your thoughts!


  4. maximus says:

    Ecstatic about the recent rumblings from manytricks! Butler is still the first thing that I install on all my macs. It’s also still the best app launcher/everything app out there!

  5. MA says:

    Good to hear about the update. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the update free if I already have a Butler 4.x.x license? The download page has a “free trial” download link. When I install v4.1.8, the “About Butler” pane states “this license could be yours BUY NOW”….?

  6. Rob Griffiths says:

    All versions of Butler 4.x are ‘free’, in that they’re not shareware and don’t lose functionality if not registered. There’s a spot for a license, but it’s not required in any way

    We made some changes to get ready for Butler 5, including a spot for the license, but we didn’t change any functionality.

    If you’ve bought already and would like a license file, just forward me your purchase confirmation email, and I’ll take care of it. You can see our email addresses on the About page: http://manytricks.com/about/


  7. ric smith says:

    The one thing that I wish that Butler did right is to shown “smart folders” in the addressbook. I have asked for this to be fixed ever since I started using Butler.

    • Rob Griffiths says:

      I’ve replied to your email on this same issue, and stated that we’ll do our best to support Smart Folders in a future Butler update — if the OS lets us do it, we should be able to support them, basically.
