Desktop Curtain and Time Sink updated

Today we released Desktop Curtain 3.2 (release notes) and Time Sink 2.2.4 (release notes), which are minor updates to two of our longstanding apps. You can check out the release notes pages for all the details on each app—the changes are mostly of a housekeeping nature to keep up with changes in macOS, but here are a couple highlights:

  • Desktop Curtain gains a new Cover Widgets curtain level, to cover desktop widgets.
  • We fixed a couple pesky bugs in Time Sink, one of which prevented captured screenshots from stopping at the limit you’d set.
  • Both apps feature our new in-app help system, which is totally reorganized for easier reference to the various sections of help…and is also available online: See Desktop Curtain help and Time Sink help.

App Store users should see the updates shortly, if not already, in the App Store app. Direct customers can check for updates within the apps, or just download fresh copies (you won’t lose your settings) from each app’s web page.

These are just the first two of what will be updates to all our apps, as we roll out various fixes, features, and the new help system in each one. Stay tuned!

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