Witch 3.5.1 gets gradiental

Yea, I know it’s not a word…but it perfectly describes the one notable new feature in Witch 3.5.1: support for gradients in the selection background color.

The default gradient is seen in the image at right, but you have (as you might expect from Many Tricks) full control over its appearance—including whether it’s there at all.

To customize the gradient, open Witch’s Appearance tab, then click on the color well next to Selection background color to open the color picker. Below the Opacity slider you’ll see a new (unlabeled) gradient slider. Center the slider for no gradient, or pick a spot left of center (lighter at bottom) or right of center (lighter at top) that pleases your eye.

In addition to this new feature, Witch 3.5.1 squashes an annoying bug related to the delay timing of the preview windows. In addition—and I think this is a very cool addition—you can now call up preview windows on demand, even when previews are disabled. Simply press P (or the Space Bar, though this may not work if you use Command in your Witch shortcuts) with any window selected, and its preview will appear. Press P again to make the preview vanish.

There are a few more fixes and improvements detailed on the Witch Release Notes page; you can get version 3.5.1 directly from the product page, or via the built-in updater.

2 Responses to “Witch 3.5.1 gets gradiental”

  1. Tom says:

    Mh… it is said that form follows function … here it seems that form trails function since first you pep up Witch w/ new functions and then it get’s new looks :D I don’t really need these modern gradients, but after playing with ’em, I like ’em.

    Thanks, Tom

  2. Tom says:

    Oh, I forgot to say that I really LURVE the new ability to torn the preview on and off on-the-fly.