Have you ever found yourself sitting at your Mac at the end of the day, looking at the clock and saying “Geez, where did the day go?” I know I have—especially back when I was running macosxhints.com and holding a full-time day job at the same time.
It was during this period that I mentioned to Peter, almost in passing, “Gee, it’d be cool if there were an app that sort of kept track of what I was doing on my Mac.”
The next day, in typical Peter fashion, my inbox contained a rough-but-functional program that did just that: tracked my open applications. I don’t even remember what it was called, and I have only the most basic recollection of what it looked like…but it worked. At that time, Peter was working by himself, and decided he didn’t have the time or inclination to do much more with the app, so there it sat.
Fast forward many years, and as we were looking for a product to help broaden the Many Tricks product line, Peter mentioned the old usage tracking program. After some back-and-forth, we both felt it was a natural addition to our suite of utilities. The rough code was smoothed out, features were added, beta testers provided feedback, and out of all that, we’re thrilled to announce Time Sink, Many Tricks’ newest application.
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