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Keymo, Time Sink, and Key Codes updated today

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

Today we released Keymo 1.1 (it’s first-ever update), Time Sink 1.2.1, and Key Codes 1.2. Here’s a quick look at what’s new in each one.

We now support the very-often-requested ability to set custom move distances. Not only can you set custom distances, but Keymo will build a menu of your custom distances, making it easy to reuse them. You can also chain actions together, as you can with Moom. [All Keymo changes]

Time Sink
There are no new features in this Time Sink update; the only changes of note are that Time Sink now ignores floating windows, and we fixed a bug related to application-specific window blacklists. [All Time Sink changes]

Key Codes
Key Codes’ display of key combos that include modifier keys has been improved.

Updates for Keymo and Time Sink can be found via the in-app updater (direct customers), or via the App Store application. Key Codes doesn’t have an in-app updater, so if you downloaded it from us, just download the new version. (App Store customers can update Key Codes via the App Store application.)

Touch up Tuesdays return: Moom and Witch updated

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Moom 2.4.1 and Witch 3.9 were released this morning, for both direct and App Store customers.

The big news in Witch 3.9 is the Font pop-up menu on the Behavior tab of Witch’s settings panel/window. This is our solution to the “fat font” problem introduced (thanks to Xcode) in Witch 3.8.

Click the Font pop-up menu—and be patient; the first load will take a few seconds—and you can then choose any font on your system for use in the switcher panel. I’m partial to Eurostile, but pick the one you prefer.

The use of Webdings is not advised, unless you’re a fluent reader of Webdings.

You can read about the rest of the changes in Witch 3.9 on the release notes page.

Moom 2.4.1 isn’t as big of an update in terms of eye-catching new features. We did, however, make Moom (and Witch, for that matter) work much better with the virtual keyboard apps Synergy and Teleport (and our own Butler). We’ve also made some changes to how Moom interacts with additional displays; we think it’s now ever smarter than it was. You can find all the changes on Moom’s release notes page.

Both apps can be updated within the app or by downloading a new copy from our site (for direct customers), or via the App Store’s Updates tab (App store customers).

Moom 2.4 chains things together

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

Great news for all you Moom users out there; Moom 2.4 is out, and features the single most-requested feature on our to do list: chaining of Custom Controls. This is mostly of interest to users with more than one display, but others may find it useful as well.

For this release, we’ve implemented chaining of Custom Controls in the most simple way possible: assign the same keyboard shortcut (either a single-key local shortcut, or a global multi-key shortcut) to more than one Moom Custom Control, and those Custom Controls will execute automatically, in the order you have them arranged in Moom’s Custom Controls panel. Here’s an example:

When I press Shift-Option-H, Moom will first move the frontmost window one display to the left, and then center that window. This all happens very rapidly, such that you’ll usually only see the end result of your chained Custom Controls (which is really all you care about, after all). You can read Moom’s Help file for more information on chaining Custom Controls.

Note that this isn’t our complete vision for chaining Moom Custom Controls; we have some great ideas on how to make it work much better in Moom 3. However, we think this implementation works, and it helps us get the feature out there for everyone to use, without waiting on the next major upgrade.

There’s more in Moom 2.4, of course; we’ve reorganized the menu bar menu, placing the often-used Save Window Layout Snapshot and Settings choices up top, and we now check to see if Moom is hidden at login in OS X Lion (as this causes issues with Moom’s green button overlay). You can read the release notes page to see all the changes in this release.

As always, updates for Mac App Store purchasers will be found (either now, or very shortly) on the Updates tab of the App Store application. Direct purchasers can download the latest version of Moom from our site, or use the in-app Updates tab to check for updates.

Moom 2.3.3 released

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

Just in time for the holidays (as the developer side of the App Store is closed for a week, starting on the 22nd), Moom 2.3.3 has been released for both App Store and direct customers.

This update fixes a few minor issues (detailed in the release notes) including one often-reported problem: Moom couldn’t properly restore saved Chrome browser windows. Version 2.3.3 works fine with Chrome, at least based on our testing with a few users who reported the problem. (The prior behavior wasn’t due to a bug in Moom, but rather, the unconventional manner in which Chrome windows are created.)

App Store customers can get the update by looking at the Updates tab in the App Store application; direct customers can get it by selecting Check for Updates from the Moom menu.

Moom wins an Eddy!

Monday, December 5th, 2011

Today we learned that Moom has won a 2011 Macworld Editor’s Choice award, better known as an Eddy. Quite frankly, we’re stunned, grateful, and thrilled at earning this award. Moom was our first completely new product as a team after the relaunch of Many Tricks, and to have it be so well received makes us both feel incredibly good.

It also says something for the nature of “indie” development—Moom really started as nothing more than a hunch and a feeling. Peter got busy coding, and a couple days later, we had the beginnings of something that we thought might be useful. We then spent a bunch of time working on the details, including the name, the user interface, and the feature set, to try to turn the hunch into something that we’d both be proud of.

When we shipped Moom 1.0, we were very happy, but not just because it got a great reception from those who tried it. What really made us happy was the amazing quality of the feedback we received from those who used Moom. We got so many amazing ideas from so many users that we were able to release Moom 2 (as a free update for everyone) within three months of the release of Moom 1.0. (And yes, we’ve got a ton of feedback to take into account as we think about Moom 3.0!)

In addition, we received (and continue to receive) words of praise and thanks for what Moom has done for users’ productivity, and we love that—because that’s the real reason we’re in this business: We love helping you all do what you do, regardless of how you use your Macs.

So to all of you who have helped Moom become so incredibly successful, thank you very much. This Eddy award is a direct reflection of your feelings about Moom, and we’re deeply thankful for your support of our efforts.

Moom 2.3.2 released

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

We’ve released a simple update for Moom to fix a regression (the reintroduction of a problem that was previously solved) in 2.3.1. The regression involved apps that didn’t fully implement Apple’s Accessibility API, such as LibreOffice. In some cases, having Moom 2.3.1 active while using those apps could cause them to crash. We’ve fixed this (again) in 2.3.2, and apologize for the troubles.

Important: Moom 2.3.2 requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later; if you’re using Mac OS X 10.5 and/or a PowerPC-equipped Mac, you’ll need to stay on Moom 2.3.1. If you happen to be using LibreOffice (or another app that seems to crash when Moom is running) on a PowerPC and/or 10.5 Mac, please send me an email and we’ll see what we can do about your issue.

Moom 2.3.1 released

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Moom 2.3.1 adds a couple of features, and fixes a few minor bugs. Moom will now auto-activate saved layouts when screen resolution changes; this is perfect if you use your laptop closed at work with an external display, but open at home without one. Also, we’ve added a second AppleScript command (center), and fixed an issue with Safari Reader pages. If you’d like to read this same information again, check out Moom’s release notes.

As always, direct purchasers can get the update with in-app updating, or via our web site. App Store purchasers will find Moom in the Updates section of the App Store app. (If you don’t see it yet, just wait a bit; it’s on its way.)

Moom 2.3 gets scriptable and automagical

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011

Today we released Moom 2.3, with a few notable new features and some bug fixes. The most interesting new features are probably these two:

  • Moom can now auto-detect changes in the number of connected displays, and (optionally) activate saved window layouts based on such changes. So if you regularly move between work and home with a laptop, you can now have Moom activate saved window layouts when you connect or disconnect the extra display.
  • Moom has very basic AppleScript support for activating a saved window layout via AppleScript. See the help file’s Usage section for the details.

Direct purchasers can get the update via in-app updating, or by downloading the full version from our site. App Store purchasers should see the update soon (if not already) in the App Store application. And as always, the full details on what’s new in this release (including a couple of hidden preference tweaks) can be found on the Moom release notes page.

Our apps and OS X Lion compatibility

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

With today’s release of Lion, here’s an update on the status of all our apps in Apple’s latest Mac OS X release. Note that this is based on our testing only, and many of our apps are feature-rich: so if you run into something, please let us know via comments here, a tweet, an email message, or a trouble ticket.

  • Butler: Compatible, though it’s likely we haven’t tested 100% of everything that Butler can do.
  • Desktop Curtain: Compatible, but with some issues if you use Spaces or Mission Control. We’re working to find a solution to those issues.
  • Displaperture: Compatible.
  • Key Codes: Compatible.
  • Keymo: Compatible.
  • Leech: Leech’s browser integration feature only works with Firefox in Lion. We’re investigating getting the other browsers working again, and will post any updates here on our blog.
  • Menu Bar Tint: Compatible.
  • Moom: Compatible, as of latest 2.2 update.
  • Name Mangler: Compatible.
  • Open-With Manager: Not recommended and not tested in Lion.
  • Safari Guardian: Not compatible with Lion. It won’t cause problems if installed, but its features won’t work. (Note: Safari 5.1 in Snow Leopard also breaks Safari Guardian.)
  • Service Scrubber: Not recommended and not tested in Lion.
  • Time Sink: Compatible.
  • Usher: Compatible.
  • Witch: Compatible, as of the 3.7 update.

As noted above, if you find certain features in our apps that don’t work in Lion, please let us know!

Moom 2.1.1 released

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Today’s Moom update is mainly about minor improvements and bug fixes, but there are a couple new features to make your favorite window moving and zooming utility even better.

You can check the release notes for all the details, but here are the highlights:

  • A new Save Window Layout entry in Moom’s menu will save the current window layout without first opening Moom’s Settings window.
  • The Grow and Shrink commands (in the Keyboard section) will now repeat when their assigned keys are held down.
  • The Settings window now properly appears on the active Space.
  • Fixed a bug with the Shrink keyboard control.

As always, updates are available via in-app updating (for direct customers) and via the App Store app for those who purchased in the Mac App Store.

Also, we’ve got another update in the works to further improve compatibility with Lion; we’re submitting it now so it’ll (hopefully) be ready for release when Lion ships.